Please fill out the form in person.

The information on this form is the ” information you will request for prayers at each shrine ” when you make a proxy visit to the shrine. If it is difficult for you to fill out this form, please have a family member fill it out while listening to your wishes.

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    Please select your prayer (multiple selections allowed)
    worshipFamily safetyProsperous businessThank God for God's gracenational securitytroublesomecar coverhealthdiseasegood matchEasy deliveryChildhoodEntertainmentAchievement of your wish

    Please fill in the address to which you would like us to send your sacred items (your address)

    Please fill in your name, furigana, date of birth, and contact information

    Please enter your message here

    1. A message of completion of transmission is displayed at the bottom.
    2. The same content will be automatically sent to the above e-mail address.Please use the domain "" in a state where it can be received.

