Aratate Shrine

Aratate Shrine

This is a shrine from the Kojiki that is said to be the place where the descendants of the gods descended.

When Ninigi no Mikoto descended to this country at the behest of Amaterasu Omikami, Sarutahiko no Mikoto and Tenden Onna no Mikoto guided the Tensons along the way. It is said that this is the place where Ame no Uzume Mikoto married and lived, and it is said that it was named Aratategu Shrine because the palace was hastily built using freshly cut rough wood.

Sarutahiko no Mikoto is said to be the god who guided the descendants of the grandson of heaven, and is enshrined as the god of opening the way.
Amaterasu Omikami is enshrined as the deity who danced happily to lure Amaterasu Omikami out when she hid in Amaterasu Iwato.


Sarutahiko no Mikoto 
Tenden no Mikoto 
(Amenousume no Mikoto) 

◆Goshintoku: God of
marital harmony, marriage, fulfillment of wishes,
Sarutahiko-no-Mikoto is the god of traffic safety, and
education.Tencho -no-Mikoto is famous as the god of song, dance, and entertainment.

Sample of divine virtue

This is a sample photo of the ``divine virtue'' that will be sent to you after you visit the shrine on your behalf. In addition, we will also include a DVD with footage of the visit.

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